Germans, French, Dutch, Belgian... the Boers had no shortage of supporters...
Above: Two variations of Orange Free State cards, collecting donations for the wodows and orphans of Free State Boers killed in the war.
Above: Left, a WW1 Era card, showing a Free State commando. Right, a propaganda card showing the execution of a Boer Commander.
 | Above: A French Postcard with the Transvaal coat of arms. |
 | Above: A German Postcard with a picture of Kruger and a Transvaal flag. |
 | Above: Another Transvaal Card |
 | Above: A German card showing a Boer giving a hiding to the invader. When you pull the string his arm moves. |
 | Above: German Volunteers fighting for the Boers |
 | Above: Commandant Hans Banks on a fund raising tour to Germany |
 |  | Above: A postcard of a Boer with a folded up note in his pocket, the note is a German "national Boer anthem" | |
To see the ultimate postcard producer, follow the link to Jooste, to see European books supporting the Boer cause go HERE