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 | Above: 22nd Division Memorial on Grand Couronne |
 | Above: Approaching Jumeaux Ravine from Dorset Ravine |
 | Above: Doiran Military Cemetery |
 | Above: Entering Jumeaux Ravine from west |
 | Above: Karasouli Military Cemetery, Greece |
 | Above: Lake Doiran from below Hill 340 |
 | Above: Looking south onto the battlefield from Devil's Eye bunker |
 | Above: Looking up Jumeaux Ravine, Petit Coronne on right skyline |
 | Above: Low level Bulgarian bunker west of Lake Doiran |
 | Above: Lower Pip Ridge on skyline from Hill 340 |
Neue Tabelle | Above: Pip Ridge (left) - Grand Couronne (centre) from south |
 | Above: Salonika (Lembet Road) Military Cemetery |