Most people interested in the battle can read a map. The following postcards add a few interesting glimpses of the battlefield. It is obvious that the artists have used their imaginations to a certain extent, but using these along with the maps may give a better idea of the problems faced by the Germans and the French, fighting in the ravines and on the heights.
Above: An immediate postwar American map of the battlefield from the south.
Above: A German Wartime postcard showing Verdun from the east. It seems to date from before the battle as it concentrates on the towns on the Woevre plain and does not go into and detail of the battlefield itself.
Above: A useful Wartime German postcard with a view on the village Vaux, the Vaux dam, Chapitre-Wald, Fumin-Wald etc.
Above: A Wartime German card putting Verdun in its Geographic perspective.
Above: A Fantastic Postcard sent by a German soldier showing his units advance southwards along the "Kegelbahn", Turning into the Chauffour-Wald, Albain-Wald and onwards to Thiaumont